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In a way, Paris Hilton and Rick Salomon was a perfect match. Neither has any discernible talent, yet both feel entitled to the fame and fortune that has been bestowed on them. Hilton, as we all know by now, is essentially famous for being the great granddaughter of the Hilton Hotels founder - in other words, she is famous for being rich. Salomon's fame stems from the fact that he has dated a bunch of famous chicks; besides Hilton, he also has Shannon Doherty, Pamela Anderson, and Elizabeth Daily listed on his stud résumé. But perhaps his biggest claim to fame now is his co-starring role in the Paris Hilton sex tape.

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Because Paris Hilton is about as relevant as dust, she and boyfriend Doug Reinhardt thought it would be good for publicity if they started a nightclub brawl on Friday March 27, 2009. How did Paris Hilton pull it off? Well... First, Paris Hilton went to the DJ at 3 a.m. and asked him to stop playing techno music and play something else... something she could dance like a big skank to. A bodyguard near the DJ pushed Paris Hilton out of the way and her boyfriend Doug Reinhardt had a conniption. A fiasco ensued. The outcome? Cops were called, no one was charged, Paris Hilton wasn't hurt but her boyfriend Doug Reinhardt ended up with a bloody lip. And herpes.

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