National FIS Software : Competitors Other Bib Options
This is one of the options in the other options menu. It has 2 options in a sub menu:
This option may be used to assign bibs to all competitors, or to a blocks of competitors. It's based on the current order of competitors in the 'Competitors' tab. You can change the value of the first bib and if a bib isn't available it can be skipped by un-checking that number in the sequence. Skipping a bib will automatically adjust the last number bib to be assigned:
There's a little more logic involved when assigning bibs to a Blocks of Competitors. In this case the bib numbers outside the block are reserved (marked with an '*') and can't be assigned:
After verifying this is what you really want to do it will permanently clear the bib assignments for all competitors or the Blocks of Competitors.