National FIS Software : Competitors Other Snow Seed
Snow Seed
This is one of the options in the Other Options menu.
A snow seed is used to send some of the later racers before the top seed. This is often set for speed events where snow conditions are questionable and may or may not be used on race day.
This option will randomly select the number of people needed from the last 20% of the race.
These people are then marked by a ‘*’ next to their start number on the Competitors screen and on the start list and with a check mark at the bottom of the Edit Competitor screen. The usual order for running these competitors is in reverse order as listed on the start list (this is the order they will be expected when managing the timing with the software after the first of them is entered).
- If the snow seed competitors need to be assigned again it will clear the previously set competitors first.
- If the snow seed needs to be set manually do this by checking the snow seed box for each of the competitors involved.
- There isn’t a way to quickly clear the snow seed settings except to Edit each competitor. To make this easier take this option and have it set only 1 person in the snow seed, so you’ll only have 1 competitor to edit and clear the check box.