National FIS Software : Files
A Race is stored on your computer as a file. Whenever you create a new race it will ask for a name for the file before creating it. Choose the names for your files carefully. Over time you may end up with hundreds of files, so having a naming system can help find the right file when needed.
The race is stored as an XML file. Do not edit the XML file directly with an editor or other product.
All data for a race is included in one file, and may include data for both Men & Women.
- Although a race file may contain data for both sexes you may prefer one file for each sex instead. This will allow you to move data files around more freely, possibly working one sex while timing the other etc. With experience you'll be able to decide what works best for your situation. But, you have to decide before you enter data because afterward they can't easily be split up.
Files are automatically saved every few minutes. The default for this is every 5 minutes but this may be changed in the Edit Options screen.